Consultancy for Schools

Update on Services during pandemic

Like many peripatetic services, Senworks has taken a break from school based consultancy during lockdown.  Over this period we have been developing our systems to provide support, training and advice remotely.

Arrangements for consultancy during the academic year beginning September 2020 will be made in the light of the latest government guidance on safe re-opening of schools.

Structure of consultancy

Usually a period of consultancy provides a bespoke, advisory service to schools and is always based on a detailed, agreed brief.  Consultancy may be appropriate pre or post-inspection, at a time of transition or following staff or structural change.  It concludes with a written and/or oral report to the client.

It often involves: 

A review of documentation including relevant school policies

A review of recording and reporting procedures

A review of educational outcomes and gaps in pupil attainment and/or progress

Collection and collation of feedback from staff, parents, pupils and governors

Lesson observation

Following a consultation Senworks can assist in implementing recommendations by providing:

A revised SEND Action Plan

Staff Training

Coaching or mentoring for key staff

A period of consultancy and support can vary greatly in duration.  In some cases, an intensive piece of work can produce a report within a few days while in others we can offer support and and partnership throughout a more sustained and and long-term period of review, implementation and training .